Friday, September 10, 2010

Hi my name is Khummit Hatshepsitu and thanks for taking a step toward saving your home.
We Want America First came into being because there's no place to go for a lot of people losing their homes. We need love, unity, compassion and most important of all we need to organize.  Once we are organized we can do anything. We need to help each other this is our only way out of this mess at this time. You can try and go it alone and lose your home and everything you dreamed of or join up with other homeowners like yourself and keep your home and your dreams. We all need help and this is the place to get it!


Our mission is to organize homeowners to help themselves through cooperative economics.


I just got a call from a friend who told me she just got her letter from her mortgage company. I could relate to her fear because I too had received an Act 91 and was facing losing my home. It's the first stage in the process of foreclosure. I had gone to the housing counselors but because of where I lived which is in an upscale neighborhood, and what I drove they didn't want to help me.  So I left crying and called my girlfriend and she told me to write the president of Bank of America.  He was the new guy on the block and I did.  I told him how I had been trying to get help for a few years and explained how I had been treated, and that I have had my house for 14 years but I had three things that impacted my life and income.  My father died in October of 2006, I had been taking care of him and my mother for over 5 years now, my tenants moved out without a lot of notice in November of 2006 so I ended up having to pay two mortgages for the year of 2007 and my husband and I separated in December of 2006. As a result of all this happening one behind the other 2007 was a miserable year and by the end of that year I owed everybody.  I had to sell my rental property and used the profits to pay off most of my bills.  This situation taught me a lot. Too many of us are losing our homes and we are not winning in this we are losing and losing big! We just saw how Barack Obama amassed millions of dollars from everybody from all over. Why can't we do the same thing to help ourselves? Americans have fed, clothed and helped more people in the world than any other country. Why can't we do that for ourselves? I don’t know about you but I am taxed out, bailed out and cried out now it’s time to take a stand for our future!

The big corporations have declared war on us and this country when they took all their money out of the banks, they took their businesses and jobs out of this country. In doing that they destabilized this country and caused an economic collapse.  The last thing they expect for us to do is organize to help each other pay each others mortgage off.  The last thing they expect Americans to do is to support and help each other financially, i.e. suppose we have over 5000 members and someone needs a few thousand dollars say $2300. out of 5000 memebers 2300 can send this individual a dollar to a central location whereby it will then be sent to the mortgage company.  We list our skills, gifts and talents we share or barter to get the work we need done.
Please post your comments, e-mail me, write me so we can get started!

This is a non-profit organization is for homeowners who are in court dealing with foreclosure, have received foreclosure notices or anyone who is 30 to 60 days late or 60-90 days late.
Even if your not in foreclosure and you are a homeowner you need to be in this organization. The big corporations have left this country taking their money, jobs and businesses. The businesses that are still here are not hiring Americans they are using contractors to hire people from other countries. We as Americans have priced ourselves out of existence. This is the reality of our situation, we have no other real choice except to rely on one another like we did in the distant past.

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